domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Good news

I also can visit my home page that is but this page is only in Spanish. entries are the same thing that changes is the language.

The dance

Dance is one of the many ministries with which we are free to worship the Lord, is one of the forms of worship that expresses love, devotion, dedication and communion with God.The same is done from movements and / or apo expressionsported by the music and accompanied by instruments, with the caveat that the first instrument to dance is our body.In the dictionary secular dance is defined as a series of body movements to the sound of the voice or musical instrument which is what we do in our time. In the Bible Dictionary speaks of the dances included in religious services and activities having to do with expressions of faith and not only that, but victory.The dance has its beginnings biblically from the Old Testament, we can mention Mary the sister of Moses and Aaron went out dancing with tambourines along with other village women celebrating who had crossed the sea, that was the victory the Lord had given them in that time, that was the custom of the people of Israel, who was the female of each family that came to dance in celebration of a victory given by God. We can not fail to mention the quintessential danzor, King David who not caring to his position before the people and his wife, the criticism he received from those closest to him, were stripped of their clothes before the ark of the covenant (which represented at the time the presence of God), it spoils all, hinting and leaving us an example that our human pride and should be submissive position before the King of Kings.In our congregations has always been dance, when we sang the chorus from called by many "The choirs with fire" that we move our hands, we take some small steps with your feet, we go from right to left, we give a return, which we move from front to back, we've been doing this dance, what is the difference to see a dance ministry to face what we have done long ago in our pews? That being our God a God of order the dancers of our churches come together to have an intimate time with God together part of which individually have yet to do it all coordinated tested and be a blessing to needy lives to worshiping the Lord to order, this does not mean that if the Holy Spirit wants to modify steps and takes us we will hold the Spirit as soon tested in any way, we rehearsed and if it pleases the Lord to change everything we have worked no matter, he is the God of dance and dance we do is for HimAccording to test the Bible never existed in these dances sensual movements. It is usually danced before God and did tambén children and maidens, most were executed in groups, there was a dance which was not accepted by the Lord and was when the daughter of King Herod danced in celebration of who had the head of John the Baptist, this dance was not accepted by the intention with which it was made, ie when we dance we have to consider not only what you see is important, steps or routines NOT cute! What exists in the heart is much more important to the creator of the dance ....The dance we do for the Lord is genuine, pure, malicious movements, with a perfect heart, ready to be overflowed to what the minister gives the needy people, dancing is not carnal, but emerging dance of our hearts after intimate with God. When we dance we are asking God for the blessings of the people that gathered there, so when we participate in a celebration dance unite with it, because dance is not a show, is the most sincere worship of God, is to hand him our bodies, so that worshiped him, he dance through us, and the congregation can be blessed.
All danzor must live in Worship, Worship is a lifestyle dedicated to God, willing hearts to be ministered to minister!

Jesus already did it

“Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” Isaiah 53:4-5
The most common mistake of missing out God´s blessings is not to dimension accurately what Jesus did on the Cross. Jesus not only paid the price of salvation for all humanity, but for them to be whole, healed an at all times in peace. Nevertheless to receive it, we have to believe it.
The weight of the Cross was the heaviest for Jesus, in physical punishment and spiritual darkness. Jesus’ body was crushed; it was flogged with a lead-tipped whip (Mathew 27:26), every single hit He took, He did it so humanity could be whole and healed. In the spiritual realm was no different, He took upon him every single bondage, captivity, slavery, sin, rebellion and the devil to defeat them when He resurrected.
Being said this, he who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved (Romans 5:13) and credited with all the blessings of the Cross. He who God sets free by the blood of Jesus will be free indeed (John 8:36).
When you comprehend accurately what Jesus did on the Cross faith rises and reaches to get what we already have received by grace. That’s right, we don’t have to do anything but believing in Jesus and what He already did. The Lord Jesus does not what us to pay a thing to obtain His favor, but wants us to honor Him by believing in His authority over everything. Just as the Roman Officer did, he showed Jesus reverence and honor by saying:
“Lord, don’t trouble yourself by coming to my home, for I am not worthy of such an honor. I am not even worthy to come and meet you. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. Luke 7:6-7
To what Jesus responded: — I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!
If you believe in your heart that Jesus could deliver you from every situation you are living, do this prayer with me believing that Jesus already paid for it:
“God, I believe with all my heart that Jesus is your Son and paid for all my sins. I believe that He rose from the dead to give me eternal life. I ask you God to wash me clean with the blood of Jesus. Deliver me from this situation. Please grant me the wholeness Jesus paid for me. And send me the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

The Seasons of Life

There was a man who had four children. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent to each of their children to go see a pear tree that was in a faraway place. To each sent in a different season. The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer and the youngest son in the fall. When everyone had gone and returned, he called them to describe what they saw. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent and twisted. The second son said it was covered with green buds and full of promise. The third son disagreed and said that what he saw was a tree laden with blossoms that smelled exquisitely and were the most beautiful he had seen. The last son disagreed with any of them, and said the tree was ripe, full of life and full of fruit. The father told his children that all they were right because everyone had seen only one season in the life of that tree. Then he said he could not judge a tree, or a person for only one season. That the essence of who they are and the pleasure, joy and love that come from life, can only be measured at the end, after each of the stations have been present.If you give up in the winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer and fall delivery. Do not let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.Do not judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult stages because surely better times will come in time. It aims to inspire .... Prior to beat you! Live simply, love generously, serving with depth, speaking kindly and leave the rest to God.Happiness keep you sweet, trials will strengthen you, the pain will keep you human, failures keep you humble, success will make you grow, but only God will continue. May God bless you and keep you during all seasons of your life.

Stop complaining

After work, after watching television, reading the press, of travel, to share with friends, to share with your family what you have left? What gave? What motivates you and what made you feel the force of your being?
A friend told me about an exercise that was practiced in a retreat that was: they were to imagine his funeral and then write what they would like their family, partners, children and friends tell them. And I said that one of the things you would not want them to say of him, was that: "He was a gloomy, bitter, he never had time for his children or his family, who do not fight for anything or believe in anything ".This exercise was saying, rather led him to glimpse the man who wanted to be. At this point everything trivial, futile, which leaves nothing, disappeared and was focused on what really appreciated and wanted.How nice it would ask in a moment of discouragement, or you feel bored, apathetic, or simply engaged in a series of activities that leave nothing vain. What I can and must do to say at that time worth? If the answer is no, then retire, but if anything it can do! DoA simple question like: what will it mean Within a year I'm doing? You can quickly focus to guide you to leave those things you are doing that are leisure are "nothing" and encaminarte daily actions have an effect and if a value in your life. It's as simple as taking the time to talk with your spouse, your kids go out with, laugh and share with them. Stop complaining and start looking for solutions to those things of which you complain.Educate, produce, educate others, enthused, enthusiasm to others. And yes, "stop complaining".What good is life if you can not your will, your courage and your truth, you must first shake the foundations of your life, so others also shake their lethargy, their boredom and their "being asleep".You work every day to try to be the best version of you and live strong and fearless, out of apathy and into the joy of knowing you're being true to yourself.Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways that you bequeathed your fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus as a lamb without blemish or defect.1 Peter 1:18

Keep Moving

Luke 10:30-35 - And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves, which stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 came down a certain priest that way and saw him, passed by. 32 Likewise a Levite, when he was at the place and saw him, passed by. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he, and looked, and had compassion, 34 and came and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine, and set him on his donkey, took him to an inn and took care of it. 35 Another day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said: Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will pay you when you return.
The other day I was reading a very interesting reflection of the parable of the Good Samaritan. We focused from an angle rarely see it. I personally never saw it. From this point of view. The pastor who gave this reflection showed the side of "half-dead man." In the parable tells us that a man went down from Jerusalem (city symbol of those who seek God) to Jericho (City symbol of those who seek the pleasures of this world). When this man went down thieves came and robbed and left half dead on the road. After talks that went down also a Pharisee and a Levite and none was offered the help I needed. Then goes on to say that "his way" and this means going from Jericho to Jerusalem, opposite to the other, a Samaritan who had compassion raised him, bandaged his wounds and left him in a place until you replace any payment. I thought many times we are in Jerusalem, in the presence of God and suddenly we're on our way to Jericho may not know why, maybe because we believe it is right that you no longer find a certain sense ofChristian's life. Undoubtedly, at this point of weakness is when the enemy steals our relationship with God and leave us like this man half dead on the road. But Jesus is always there to heal all wounds and protect us and stop all payments until we are good. I also thought that if we look at the man half dead and bring it to the church to witness, we will have a tremendous testimony to what is the infinite love of God and saved his life and not only that, but it will given another chance as well. I think we already heard many testimonies like these. Now I wondered why. Why many go down and we were not in Jerusalem. The answer I found and what God was speaking at this time and I could share with some friends is that as Christians we must move forward. We must not get stuck thinking that as we are, we're fine. EYE I, where we are, yes we are good only in that place we go. God commands us to Grow Day by Day

With prayer you can achieve

Prayer is not a magic wand that God will fulfill our desires, but rather is a way for us to become instru-ments for the wishes come true Definition of prayer Normally whenever we want to know the definition of a word we look in the dictionary. Some of the definitions we get from "prayer" are:Hispanic Encyclopedia says: "Dialogue between man and divinity that responds to some

manifestation of this type. The human response can be surveyed in thanksgiving, orsupplication to a need. "

Other definitions can be found in the Bible Dictionary, "is the offering of the

emotions and desires of the soul made ​​to God in the name and mediation of our Lordand Savior Jesus Christ, John 16:23-27. It is the communion of heart with God throughthe help of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:26, 27, and is for the true Christian life of the soul.Without that spirit no one can be Christian subsidiary, Job 21:15; Psalm 10:4. "" Is anyspiritual communion with God, including the confession, petition, worship, praise and thanksgiving ... It is a natural resource of the children of God. "FJ Huegel defines prayeras:" Prayer is the greatest privilege that has the human being, and joy more precious, since by mediode she maintains communion with his heavenly Father and is the Sourceof Life, and is also the most powerful means that human beings have at their disposal to succeed. "Charles Spurgeon said that" Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence. "We may summarize all these definitions by saying that: When a man prays, God works.

Perfume a tus pies

Hope you get to the heart and I happen to me.


What is WORSHIP?  
To worship God is to give our own intelligence, who surrenders to Him, and all our love, he feels that burns in him
Does the worship is only for good?Worship is the act of the sky, and therefore is proper to the good, as we read in the book of Psalms: "Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, rejoice, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! "(Psalm 32.11).Now this heavenly worship is perfect, continuous and irreversible. By contrast, the experiences of worship that we have on Earth are imperfect, temporary and not final.This means that experiences more or less intense, worship God gives us in this mortal life are still the "prize", but a way of inviting us to grow in fervor, obedience and trust in Him who is the source of all good. This invitation God gives not only those who are already "good", but often also the "bad", just to lure them into their sweetness.How to enter into worship?Worship is itself a grace, a gift that we can not take possession or we can plan completely.But there is much we can do.Acts of worship
The desire grows if our attention is focused on the goodness of God, in the goods given to us and the evils of which has delivered us. Here we help many psalms and also extraordinarily good books of devotion.
Even simple sentences can make us much good, "My God, I love you," "Lord, I love with all my heart," "Let everyone know you and all love you, Lord," and many more.Use of music
No doubt the positive role that music can play in the unification of our mind and our emotions, and experience the harmony that God has created in the soul.
Whether Gregorian chant, the simple melodies of some devotees charismatic or popular songs, music is an instrument that should not be neglected.
However, do not overestimate the music, or making it a requirement for good religious experience. And especially beware of idolizing those with special gifts to this ministry.The Worship is very important through the worship we are connected to the heart of the father.

The Simplicity of Faith

I think life should be a celebration. Too many believers who do not enjoy life, and even fewer who celebrate it. Many people truly love Jesus Christ and is on track to heaven, but very few enjoy the trip. For many years I was one of them ... and so was Martha. Martha was busy doing what I used to do: run to and fro, to impress God and everyone.Complicated my relationship with the Lord because he had a legalistic approach to justice. Sought many things: answer to my difficulties, prosperity, health, success in my ministry, my family changes. I just felt good when I was doing something. And I botheredpeople like Mary, who knew both enjoy without strive. I thought they should do what I did.My problem was I had all of Martha and Mary's nothing. He loved Jesus but had not learned about the simple life that He wanted me to live. I discovered that the answer was rooted in faith, knowing what it meant to sit at the feet of Jesus, hear his words, and trust God with my whole heart and soul. If you want to live a complicated, complex, no joy, try todo what can not be done without God. Love God and Enjoy Life.

God searches your worship who you are and not what you do ...

I want to share this truth about worship that will help you be effective in your time of ministration in the worship services with the body of Christ. God is not interested in the way but in the background. Certainly we are not effective in our time in the presence of God because they do not focus on what he defined as worship. The apostle Paul shows us this truth in the next verse. I ask the Holy Spirit illuminates the eyes of your understanding so you can know this truth Rom 12:1 "... So, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service ... "Paul describes specifically that is worship. I invite you to meditate on this passage. The word "bodies" is defined as a whole, not only looking at the physical dimension of our being, but the 3 dimensions with which God created us.Spirit, soul and body. With the above set of dimensions God requires worship, that is, from all our being.
a) Spirit Dimension of man which gives us access to the spiritual world. You must understand that everything that happens in the natural world is the effect of spiritual forces in high places. Everything that happens in your life has a spiritual principle and will manifest in the natural world led to an action. (Attitude -> action) b) Core: human dimension where the emotions and will. It works as an interface between the spiritual and body. c) Body: Physical dimension of man. Contains 5 doors they perceive the natural world. These are the 5 senses. This dimension must be subject to the soul, which in turn must be submitted to the spirit of man which is subject to the Spirit of God. The body or the flesh tends by nature to sin. Once the battlefield in this war of worship go on with the passage. 1.-The "living sacrifice" mentioned by the Apostle determines the action to continually die in our lifetime (living sacrifice) the works of the flesh, desires and intentions of the heart and the continuous renewal of our spirit by the Word of God May we be the victims of this sacrifice, that is, one that produces repentance from dead works and change our structure our thinking, sinful, replacing it with the thoughts of God.Rejoice, because the Spirit of God is within you produces conviction of sin, repentance and gives you the ways. 2.-A "holy sacrifice" consecrated to Him and not conformed to this world system. Holiness is the backbone to see God and get victory over our adversary. 3. - "Sacrifice Pleasant" God looks for fruit in our lives, the fruit of Christ's life in us. The evidence that our Almighty God lives and reigns in our lives. 4. - "What is your reasonable service" Worship is ministration which means surrendering to God worship service. This truth must reform your way of thinking about worship and in every circumstance, road and decision of your life you wonder, JESUS ​​LOVES THIS?. It'll depend anymore of a gift or ability to express praise and worship, or to have the newest song and nice, to have the best instruments or musicians with excellent "performance" the best sound equipment, the best prophecies and any creative expression in worship service, the sacrifice that'll depend only present before God daily, that is, the fruits of Christ in you which is your reasonable service. When you understand this you will experience a quantum leap in your worship to God. When you minister at the altar be presenting what they are and not what you do. GENUINE WORSHIP THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS JESUS ​​Hallelujah!


Nehemiah 3:1 He rose Eliashib the high priest with his brethren the priests and built the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and put its doors. The wall dedicated to the Centennial Tower and to the Tower of Hananel.
John 10:9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me will be saved, go, go out and find pasture.
Israel a town full of humiliation and slavery begins a process of restoration, not restored walls, doors, or the towers of which God spoke.When talking to the servant Nehemiah had no walls, gates and towers restored, and were at the mercy of all the enemies of God and this man begins a search to the Lord by praying and asking for the guidance of the Almighty, that all servants attitude and genuine ministers we should take. He did not want to be wealthy and Chapters 8 through 13 you see a man who prays, fasts and watches to please his Lord. Nehemiah means God has comforted and what God did with the Israelite people back from captivity. But there was opposition to want to move, Satan will always oppose when God begins the work of restoration.TWELVE GATES TO RESTORE: Isaiah 60:18A. - Gate of Salvation (Nehemiah 3:1)It is necessary for God to restore the strength in our lives as far from it, inhabited by demons were up and freed us when it came into our lives2. - Fish Gate (Evangelism, Nehemiah 3:3)Tells us that is a passion and burden to reach out to others is called evangelism in this end time is the time since harvest.3. - Old Gate (Nehemiah 3:6)4. - Valley Gate (Nehemiah 3:13)This speaks of humiliation, the greatest example of humiliation gave us Jesus. The gate of the valley is closely linked to the service.5.-Dung Gate (Nehemiah 3:14)We talk about ministry, taking out the trash, which reached the brook Kidron, and speaks of God's forgetfulness about what we did and for which he died to forgive us.6. - The Fountain Gate, Fountain (Nehemiah 3:15)He speaks of the baptism with the Holy Spirit and its fullness, as in Ephesians 5:18 When the disciples left the religious paradigms to enter the supernatural and got drunk with the Holy Spirit, speaking of getting out of sobriety and get into it naturallysupernatural and be drunk by our helper.7. - Water Gate (Nehemías. 3:26)This bathing, is a blessing, which we also see in Hebrews 10:24, 25 and constant laver speaks of the Word. The ministry of the Word to bless and not accept the curses of Satan.8. - Horse Gate (Nehemiah 3:28)The door of the more than conquerors (Apoc.19)9. - Eastern Gate (Nehemiah 3:29)From the east come our Lord speaks of the glory of the resurrection of our eternity with Him, the integuments, resurrection.10. - Ephraim Gate (Nehemiah 8:16)He speaks of the double portion of prosperity, wealth, the widening of the additions, because God in His Word speaks of the abundance11. - Judgement Gate (Nehemiah 3:31)Talk inspection of the two courts both of Christ, like the great white throne of God.12. - Door of the Prison or Guard: (Nehemiah 12:39)The door of the trials they are required to enter the kingdom of God.The 7 oppositions outside and insidea) Enemies of Judah and Benjamin (Nehemiah 4:1-3)are oppositions that have the generation of Nehemiah, which are taunts, insults, sarcasm, they can be in church, work and even family, but God has not perfected his work in us, but he who began a good the perfected work.b) Threat and anger (Nehemiah 4:7-9), there will always be unhopefulc) Opposition by greed and hardness of heart. (Nehemiah 5: 1-3. 6:1-9)d) Letters false accusations (Nehemiah 6:1-9)e) False Prophecies (Nehemiah 6:11-16)f) Opposition by friends and laws of Tobias.All Revelation 21 is closely related to these doors. Tells us that you have to restore the 12 gates of New Jerusalem and talks about the restoration of the bride of the Lamb.