Prayer is not a magic wand that God will fulfill our desires, but rather is a way for us to become instru-ments for the wishes come true Definition of prayer Normally whenever we want to know the definition of a word we look in the dictionary. Some of the definitions we get from "prayer" are:Hispanic Encyclopedia says: "Dialogue between man and divinity that responds to some
manifestation of this type. The human response can be surveyed in thanksgiving, orsupplication to a need. "
Other definitions can be found in the Bible Dictionary, "is the offering of the
emotions and desires of the soul made to God in the name and mediation of our Lordand Savior Jesus Christ, John 16:23-27. It is the communion of heart with God throughthe help of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:26, 27, and is for the true Christian life of the soul.Without that spirit no one can be Christian subsidiary, Job 21:15; Psalm 10:4. "" Is anyspiritual communion with God, including the confession, petition, worship, praise and thanksgiving ... It is a natural resource of the children of God. "FJ Huegel defines prayeras:" Prayer is the greatest privilege that has the human being, and joy more precious, since by mediode she maintains communion with his heavenly Father and is the Sourceof Life, and is also the most powerful means that human beings have at their disposal to succeed. "Charles Spurgeon said that" Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence. "We may summarize all these definitions by saying that: When a man prays, God works.
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