domingo, 15 de abril de 2012


What is WORSHIP?  
To worship God is to give our own intelligence, who surrenders to Him, and all our love, he feels that burns in him
Does the worship is only for good?Worship is the act of the sky, and therefore is proper to the good, as we read in the book of Psalms: "Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous, rejoice, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart! "(Psalm 32.11).Now this heavenly worship is perfect, continuous and irreversible. By contrast, the experiences of worship that we have on Earth are imperfect, temporary and not final.This means that experiences more or less intense, worship God gives us in this mortal life are still the "prize", but a way of inviting us to grow in fervor, obedience and trust in Him who is the source of all good. This invitation God gives not only those who are already "good", but often also the "bad", just to lure them into their sweetness.How to enter into worship?Worship is itself a grace, a gift that we can not take possession or we can plan completely.But there is much we can do.Acts of worship
The desire grows if our attention is focused on the goodness of God, in the goods given to us and the evils of which has delivered us. Here we help many psalms and also extraordinarily good books of devotion.
Even simple sentences can make us much good, "My God, I love you," "Lord, I love with all my heart," "Let everyone know you and all love you, Lord," and many more.Use of music
No doubt the positive role that music can play in the unification of our mind and our emotions, and experience the harmony that God has created in the soul.
Whether Gregorian chant, the simple melodies of some devotees charismatic or popular songs, music is an instrument that should not be neglected.
However, do not overestimate the music, or making it a requirement for good religious experience. And especially beware of idolizing those with special gifts to this ministry.The Worship is very important through the worship we are connected to the heart of the father.

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